Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So if you aren't aware of it yet there is this thing everyone is all excited about called Twitter. And it's as fun as they say, if you like that sort of thing. By that sort of thing I mean chat rooms. Remember when entering a chat room meant there was a flowing stream of funny things people were saying back and forth and you could pick up a line that sounded interesting and catch the rest of the thread and follow it for a while to your own amusement? And remember how you could jump in with silly comments wherever you wanted and specify who the line was aimed at? And remember making friends with total strangers you had never seen before in real life? Combine those old ideals of yore with newer "Facebook-ian" concepts like status updates that are kept under a certain amount of characters, followers, and a profile page and you have Twitter. Here are some reasons why Twitter is the best thing ever in my opinion.
Best. Thing. Ever.

Emmie ( aka stage_left) tweets this: Every day at lunch I walk by a homeless woman who carries a ventriloquist dummy. Today the dummy was wearing big sunglasses

And Brett responds: @stage_left Wow, Rachel Zoe really is dressing everybody.

Oh, I lol-ed in my pants.

Our cat and dog have accounts and fight via twitter.

NigelPugmann tweets:@janefelini You're so lame that when you want to walk somewhere you can't.

Janefelini tweets back:@nigelpugmann Dude, Pew! What dies inside of your ears? Besides your brains?

Nigel tweets back: @janefelini My dreams of being an only pet again one day.

My secret favorite Tweeter, HotAmishChick:
Do you know what touches my bum? My unbraided hair. Also, goats. Every. Day. THIS IS NOT A SELLING POINT, GOATS.

In trouble. Jedidiah and I made a snowman. Accused of making a false idol. The bat wings may have been a bit much.

I just dressed my pony with a spare bonnet and apron. It's actually really disturbing. I'm going to get Jedidiah!

If one was so inclined, one could do a lot of damage with a pair of knitting needles. If one was so inclined. (Smile. Smile. Smile.)

Also there are these spontaneous theme tweets that go around. Like one day everyone started Tweeting fake animal facts, or #fakeanimalfacts. Another day it was nerd pick-up lines, or #nerdpickuplines. Amish pick up lines... You get the gist.

Fake animal facts sample:
Bears always write text messages in FULL CAPS.

And:A newly born kitten has the absorbency equivalent of a car sponge.

So I made up: The star nosed mole was in fact named such after his eleventh rhinoplasty.

Reported sightings of the yeti crab are often questioned by authorities, photos of the animal are scrutinized for accuracy.

Sample of nerd pick-up lines:
"you're a perfect 2 in binary." or: "on a 2-digit non two's complement binary number you're a 3."

So Brett made up:
Why don't you come back to my place and break my code ...

Some great Amish pick-up lines: Do you like pancakes and living an austere life without modern conveniences?

My fav: My mother spoke to your mother and now I'm supposed to speak to you.

And finally: I'd like to grow my beard for you. #amishpickuplines (True story! For reals!)

Also people send out great things they find, like these gems...


Literal Videos are another new love found through Twitter. These were yanked off Youtube for licensing issues, imagine that. You must see them. I love, love, love the Tears for Fears one.

If you have not before had the unidentified longing to join a big fat community of smart mouths, then this may not be for you. If you sat in the back of class and thought of as many hilarious critical remarks as possible in a one hour period about your drivers-ed teacher, JOIN US! We haven't grown up either.


Gretchen Alice said...

I don't know how I'm going to live without twitter on my mission. I'll probably just keep a list of things I'd potentially post in my journal. Also, I love your #fakeanimalfacts.

stef j. said...

hmmm ... twitter. should i? shouldn't i? i just go back and forth, back and forth. so much of my life is already committed to this time-with-child-sucking machine (AKA computer).

maybe, just maybe this little post of your has pushed me over the little twitter edge ... maybe.

Shawn said...

I almost thought that it was Klaus Nomi in that second band video!

He was brilliant, though.

I don't know if I could be random enough---I will have to think about it...

Oh---and by the by, LOVED your kitchen and hanging out with you for a bit---you are such a gorgeous gal and so fun!